Dr. Thomas Taut

Welcome to Your Exclusive Mentoring Program: „Master the Unthinkable!“

Are you an overachiever with extreme ambitions? Accelerate your journey to fulfill your BIGGEST dreams with a smile on your face!


Break the pattern of doing everything alone! Take a proven shortcut with a process designed to make the unthinkable happen. This 10-step program will help you fulfill your most outstanding dreams — whether in your business, career, finances, health, relationships, or any other area. Mentors are essential for personal and business development. Every high achiever has one. You deserve one, too! After this program, you will be able do achieve absolutely everything you are truly committed to!


Austrian television ORF calls me the “Marathon-Marathon-Man”. I have conquered the World Marathon Challenge as the only Austrian: 7 full marathons on 7 continents in less than 7 consecutive days!
I know how it feels to make the unthinkable happen!



This journey is designed exclusively for you because I understand your challenges. With degrees from four universities and decades of experience in diverse fields such as R&D, IT, manufacturing and finance, I am speaking your language.


Step 0: Before the Start
Set your GPS. Define where you are and where we are heading. Start with a clear understanding of the path ahead.

Step 1: Dream BIG
Reach out for the stars. Dare to demand the extraordinary. Shape your audacious dreams to inspire you even more.

Step 2: Establish Mental Toughness
Boost your confidence. Build unwavering self-belief. Trust strongly in your capabilities.

Step 3: Set Ambitious Goals
Define clear, compelling goals that set you on fire. Let yourself be guided by a deep inner motivation.

Step 4: Dream it – Be it
You can only realize what you can envision. Picture your success vividly.

Step 5: Assemble Your Support Team
Seek guidance from top professionals. Leverage all expert knowledge possible.

Step 6: Create Your Training Plan
Map your route to success as a personalized action plan. Align your strategy with your strengths and aspirations.

Step 7: Uplift Your Spirits
Declare your commitment to the journey. Share your goals with everyone in your sphere.

Step 8: Execute the Plan With Focus
Operate with joy and ease. Integrate your goals into your daily routines.

Step 9: Stay on Track
Regularly ensure you are on track to meet your high targets. Finetune the plan as needed along the way.

Step 10: Cross the Finish Line With a Smile
Complete your mission and embrace your achievement fully. Document and share your learnings and take a well deserved break.

Aftermath: Prepare Yourself for the Next Race
You are back to square one, but on the next level. Embark on your next adventure. You are ready to set new, even more ambitious goals.


Each step consists of two live sessions (90 minutes each):

  1. Introduction and task assignment
  2. Feedback and discussion

You’ll have direct access to Dr. Thomas Taut via WhatsApp and an additional group chat with other ambitious participants. 

Choose to progress through the steps weekly or biweekly, completing the program in half a year or a full year.

„Thomas bewegt das Publikum mit fundiertem Wissen und einzigartigen Erlebnissen“

Über mich, Dr. Thomas Taut


Dr. Thomas Taut – Das Unmögliche möglich machen?! Ja, du kannst!

Ich bin Dr. Thomas Taut, ein inspirierender Redner und Mentor, der akademische Expertise mit Extremsport vereint. Nach meiner Promotion beim Nobelpreisträger Anton Zeilinger sowie Abschlüssen in Physik, Wirtschaft und Finanzen unterstütze ich seit über 25 Jahren ÄrztInnen dabei, ihre beruflichen und privaten Finanz-Ziele zu erreichen, ohne die Balance zwischen Praxisalltag und Privatleben zu verlieren.

Als Führungskraft und Finanzexperte habe ich zudem langjährige Erfahrung darin, internationale Teams zu koordinieren und außergewöhnliche Erfolge in Vertrieb und Service Excellence zu erzielen.

Meine Lebensphilosophie „JA, DU KANNST!“ wurde bei der World Marathon Challenge geboren. 2018 lief ich als bisher einziger Österreicher 7 volle Marathons auf 7 Kontinenten in 7 aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen. Diese Erfahrung hat mir gezeigt, wie das Unmögliche möglich wird – eine Botschaft, die ich in meinen Keynotes und Mentoring mit praxisnahen Strategien und energiegeladener Präsenz weitergebe.

Mein neues Buch „Ja, du kannst! – Meistere das Undenkbare in 10 klaren Schritten“ erscheint in Deutsch und englisch noch vor Weihnachten für alle, die bereit sind, neue Grenzen zu sprengen.

Kontakt zu Dr. Thomas Taut

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